i get alot of requests from girlfriends and wives asking for some instructions on how to please their men. so, rather than try to explain in writing i figured it would be easier to just make a video. after all, if a picture is worth a thousand words and video must be worth a million! this “handjob lesson” is the first of many to cum. remember, practise…practise…practise.
i was feeling very comfy in my “U of Pink” outfit from victoria’s secret. when i’m comfy i get super horny and my clit gets really sensitive. when i’m like this, even the pressure of my panties rubbing on my clit gets me wet. i was in need of immediate pleasure! even after i came hard i was still craving…i needed to taste some hot cum 8==D~
i originally planned to do a hot tub cam show but i got a special request from a member to watch me do a humpgasm show. appearently he has learned the art of humping and he can follow along with me. you have to be quick if you want to hump with me because i can cum in less than a minute like that. it’s the fastest way for me to cum but i can have several orgasms in a row…my kind of fun!
this was the first time i tried out my new “voice command” vibrator and it might just be one of my favorites! how does it work? simple, i just program the commands to my voice, turn it on and command it to make me cum! this method is so effective that it even worked on a real cock!
my new friend cathy needs no intro. she’s been around the web for many years and is well known for her gang-bang’s and creampies! i was just checking out her site and i couldn’t believe how much stuff she has in her member’s area. it would take me weeks to get through it all! hope you have a good cum watching this update!
my man needed his daily milking and i worked a real squirter out him tonight. what a nice sloppy mess that made!
glass toys are perfect for ass play because they are super smooth and i can easily work it into my tight butt. anal orgasms are always more intense for me…i think it’s the pleasure/pain threshold that gets me off so hard. for added pleasure i like to either put it in hot water or in the fridge before i use it!
i saw lori and her hubby at the phoenix forum this year but unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to meet. i like seeing girls like lori because she makes having small boobs look good! in this video, her and ed have some hot hotel fun and she gets a nice load of cum all over her tanned belly!
as most of you already know, my favorite color is pink and i know most of you like my pink too…hehe
i found this outfit at VS the other day and thought you guys would like it.
i loved licking dave’s balls while the cum spilled out of his cock like an erupting volcano! i guess my soft wet tongue was more than he could handle. as you can see, humping my own hands was more than i could handle.