i just had a nice warm bubble bath and thought i would have a little play time before calling it a night. i always sleep better when i have an orgasm or two before going to bed and you guys always help get me there so i decided to do this one together. it’s not fair that you guys get to see me but i can’t watch you stroke out a nice big load for me. i bet that feels amazing to have cum erupt from your cock like that. it’s soooo visual and turns me on to watch it shoot out. maybe i’ll get some phone videos in my mail box to enjoy 🙂
[Video: 22min | Photos: 34]

one of the things i look forward to the most each week is interacting with you guys during my live shows. i’ve never really been shy about my body and as far back as i remember, i’ve always been turned on by being watched. the only thing that could make my live shows better for me is if i could see all of you getting off while i’m pleasuring myself. i cum really fast as it is but i think that would make me cum even faster!
[Video: 22min | Photos: 32]

“This show was filmed in front of a live studio audience”. let me rephrase that. this was a camshow so it was recorded in front of a live horny audience. ya, that’s more like it 🙂
i guess this is kind of like behind the scenes and you guys get to see pretty much how i masturbate daily. i consider masturbation a hobby and my therapy. not to get off topic but i was reading an article the other day and many years ago doctors use to masturbate female patients because they believed it prevented “female hysteria”. wow, can you imagine that! only a man would think of something like that…lol. i’m surprised they didn’t tell their female patients that swallowing cum cured cancer.
anyway, in the article it said that fingering female patients was a lucrative business but it was taking too much of the doctor’s time until the invention of the vibrator. it sounds crazy but it’s true…google it!
i’m just glad they invented the vibrator and i celebrate it daily with a very wet orgasm. some of you got to celebrate with me 🙂
[Video: 22min | Photos: 27]

ok, you guys are going to have to tell me if this is wrong or not. i was in malibu last year visiting some good friends and while they were at the beach one day i decided to have a little masturbation session in their living room. is it wrong to masturbate in someone else’s house? or, are there certain areas in the house where self pleasure is ok? i don’t know why exactly but there’s something about doing stuff i’m not suppose to do that really turns me on. i can’t be expected to go an entire week without some kind of release but i don’t want to be a bad house guest either. what are your thoughts on this?
[Video: 8min | Photos: 49]

i love my play time with dave but sometimes i just want my “private time” to just focus on my own personal pleasure. i get asked all the time about what i think of when i masturbate. well, it depends on how i do it. if i’m watching porn then i’m obviously thinking about the scene i’m watching but sometimes i just use porn to get me started and then i slip into my own fantasy. if i’m alone, then i normally don’t think of anything other than how good the physical pleasure feels. i think that’s the big difference between us girls and you guys. i guess it doesn’t matter how we get there, as long as the ending is a happy one. this time, i’m just enjoying how good it feels to have my vibrator deep in my pussy and on my clit. i was so horny that it didn’t take me long to satisfy myself. what can i say, i’m easy to please 🙂
[Video: 7min | Photos: 69]

i can’t be left alone for a minute without getting into some kind of trouble. you know what they say about idle hands. well, i’m more of a factory than a workshop 🙂
stairs provide the perfect angle to penetrate my pussy with a vibrating dildo, as you can clear see by how wet my pussy got this time. wait, my pussy gets that wet all the time but you guys know what i mean.
[Video: 7min | Photos: 65]

alone at last! i love being around people but every once in awhile i just want some “me” time. sometimes i’m in the mood to take a walk, take a bath or read a book and other times i just want some personal pleasure. this happens to be one of those times and i got to try out my brand new vibrator. this one gets two thumbs up so i will be keeping this in my night stand 🙂
sometimes i can’t fully relax until i have a really intense orgasm so after this playtime i was nice and comfy. i wish i could last longer but i’ve always been a quick cummer.
[Video: 7min | Photos: 57]

size doesn’t always matter but it’s soooo nice to have something deep inside me and thick enough to really fill my pussy up and my huge pink dildo always hits the spot! sometimes i use a vibrator on my clit at the same time but that usually makes me cum way too fast and today i was in the mood to enjoy every inch of this long dong.
[Video: 9min | Photos: 49]