normally i get warmed up during my live shows but today i got started early and sucked dave’s cock until he shot a nice big load of cum in my mouth. we finished just in time for the show and i was still swallowing cum! when i first learned how to masturbate, i would hump objects and one of my favorites was a rolled up sock ball. i still masturbate like that to this day but this new vibrator gets me off so fast as you can see!
[Video: 25min | Photos: 63]

This is one of of my favorite dresses to wear out because I like being able to have easy access when needed. I’m Irish/Mexican so it only takes a few drinks to get my juices flowing…literally! It’s fun sneaking of in a dark corner so some foreplay before heading home to really get things going. With any luck, Dave has a case of the whiskey dick and he can really give it to me good. I’m getting horny just writing this and it wasn’t my intention to get turned on, I just wanted to give you a little background about why I chose to wear this black cocktail dress for you guys tonight 🙂
[Video: 19min | Photos: 32]

i just had a nice warm bubble bath and thought i would have a little play time before calling it a night. i always sleep better when i have an orgasm or two before going to bed and you guys always help get me there so i decided to do this one together. it’s not fair that you guys get to see me but i can’t watch you stroke out a nice big load for me. i bet that feels amazing to have cum erupt from your cock like that. it’s soooo visual and turns me on to watch it shoot out. maybe i’ll get some phone videos in my mail box to enjoy 🙂
[Video: 22min | Photos: 34]

one of the things i look forward to the most each week is interacting with you guys during my live shows. i’ve never really been shy about my body and as far back as i remember, i’ve always been turned on by being watched. the only thing that could make my live shows better for me is if i could see all of you getting off while i’m pleasuring myself. i cum really fast as it is but i think that would make me cum even faster!
[Video: 22min | Photos: 32]

“This show was filmed in front of a live studio audience”. let me rephrase that. this was a camshow so it was recorded in front of a live horny audience. ya, that’s more like it 🙂
i guess this is kind of like behind the scenes and you guys get to see pretty much how i masturbate daily. i consider masturbation a hobby and my therapy. not to get off topic but i was reading an article the other day and many years ago doctors use to masturbate female patients because they believed it prevented “female hysteria”. wow, can you imagine that! only a man would think of something like that…lol. i’m surprised they didn’t tell their female patients that swallowing cum cured cancer.
anyway, in the article it said that fingering female patients was a lucrative business but it was taking too much of the doctor’s time until the invention of the vibrator. it sounds crazy but it’s true…google it!
i’m just glad they invented the vibrator and i celebrate it daily with a very wet orgasm. some of you got to celebrate with me 🙂
[Video: 22min | Photos: 27]

school’s out and i have more toys than parker brothers so i want to play! take you your toy and get ready to be schooled on the very fine art of masturbation 🙂
[Video: 22min | Photos: 47]

i’ve been doing my best to run everyday and all the stretching has been helping my flexibility which has it’s benefits…wink/wink! i like being able to get my legs nice and high when i’m using a toy because it gives me a great view of my pussy and that amkes me cum really hard. do you like the view?
[Video: 16min]

look what you guys did to me…i gave myself a creampie in tonight live show! this was an intense one and my pussy was contracting the entire time.
[Video: 15min]